Many companies have recently moved from developing their own drivers and utilities to using the standard drivers produced by NVIDIA. While this, in theory, reduces production cost and testing times, it often leaves us clinging to the days when reference drivers were not as common. Because Leadtek wished to get their GeForce card out on the market quickly, they opted to take the road that many companies travel by adding a few enhancements to the reference driver set but leaving others untouched.
This production method results in drivers that are almost identical to their competing counterparts. Luckily, the reference drivers do contain the features that most users would need. Leadtek improves upon these features by adding custom graphics and a few handy tools. For example, the taskbar resident driver utility provides quick access to not only video card options but also to a few commonly used Windows screens and features, such as Add/Remove Programs and desktop refresh. On the other hand, the Direct 3D and OpenGL settings are exactly the same as those found in the reference drivers, with the addition of the Leadtek graphic in the back.
The overclocking option that is found in the driver utility is similar to the reference driver overclocking utility. It allows the user to push the core speed and memory speed of the card to new heights without having to use a third party application such as Power Strip. It is always nice to see that companies have enough pride in their products to know that overclocking is a viable possibility.
Another interesting feature
of the Leadtek driver set is the included Eye Protection utility. When enabled,
this feature can remind you to rest your eyes at an hourly rate specified by
the user. While the word of the wise dictates that we should take breaks from
computer use, it is quite unlikely that a small dialogue box will motivate us
to take a break. This feature seems like more of a work orientated option, as
it gives the worker an excuse to take a break. The phrase "But my computer
told me to" comes to mind.
While very similar to the
NVIDIA taskbar utility, Leadtek's bar provides easy access to commonly used
The OpenGL settings are the
same as those found in the standard NVIDIA drives.
The standard NVIDIA Direct3D
screen is also found.
An information page provides
all essiential details.
Also included is Speed Runner,
the overclocking utility.
Color adjustments are easliy

The Eye Protection utility. Yes, the picture is to scale.
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