When looking at crusher.dm2 scores, you must keep two things in mind:

1) These scores represent the absolute worst case scenario for your system, you don't necessarily want the highest crusher.dm2 score, but rather the best range of scores, with the crusher.dm2 as your lowest and demo1.dm2 as your highest. That will give you a fairly accurate representation of what real world gaming performance will give you on your particular card/system combination.

2) The crusher.dm2 test is very CPU dependent which also means that you may gain more benefit from a faster CPU than a faster graphics card. This is a point of reevaluation for owners of video cards that were the top of the line last year, such as TNTs, Voodoo2s, etc... you may be better off investing in a more powerful CPU.

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K6-2 300 Low-Res Performance: demo1.dm2 K6-2 475 Crusher.dm2 Performance Recap
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