
ViewSonic had one of the larger suites in the Venetian during the show. In recent months, ViewSonic brought a lot of attention to itself with the dual input VP171B, which was also based on AUO's 16ms 17" panel. The most important news from ViewSonic is the updated look and specifications on the newly revamped VG line. You can see the VG510 and the VG910 LCDs show below.

Click to enlarge.

As you can see, the controls have been streamlined a bit and specifications have also been updated slightly. We are a little curious to see if the 600:1 contrast ratios really are 600:1 this time; so hopefully, we will get a sample in the lab soon. You can also see the VG810, the VG710 and part of the VG510 below as well.

Click to enlarge.


It is always exciting to see a company revamp a product line, particularly one that is very cost conscious. ViewSonic has a long way to go in order to recover the trust of consumers after their incident with NEC, particularly concerning the VG line. Stay tuned for more ViewSonic coverage in the near future.

Quanta and LG Philips LCD Final Thoughts
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  • KristopherKubicki - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    Sorry artifex, I updated it and forgot to mention it :)

  • WooDaddy - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link


    Cool. Look for a bunch of old guys in wife-beaters, drunk and with AVN passes around their necks touting the worlds-greatest new killer app.

    My company's image is very important to me. As the founder, I'd have it no other way.

  • artifex - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    oops, never mind, I see it's been changed to AGP and PCI, now.
  • artifex - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - link

    I'm still hoping someone can tell me how they managed to have two AGP cards in a single system?
  • KristopherKubicki - Monday, December 1, 2003 - link

    Yes we will have a bit of CES coverage.

    Look for the young guys in suits :) Thats us!

  • WooDaddy - Monday, December 1, 2003 - link


    I really hope that last comment you said about the CES is true. I'm planning on going this year. Do you or you collegues plan on going this coming year and doing an article?

  • KristopherKubicki - Monday, December 1, 2003 - link

    most monitors are 8 bit, only the AUO 16ms panel is 6 bit. The LG Philips and Samsung 16 and 12ms panels are 8bit. Sharp is working on 10bit panels by the end of the year.

  • ViRGE - Sunday, November 30, 2003 - link

    Humm, I'm a bit depressed to see yet another monitor company leave the CRT space; I'm still not ready for LCDs financially, and I'm still iffy on their features considering the 6bit and pixel response times(I mean we're just now at 16ms, which is barely acceptable in my book since that's nessisary for 60fps). I hope NEC stays in the game a bit longer, otherwise I'm going to have to start hording CRTs(although the current Samsung 757MB I use will last for quite some time I'm sure).
  • KristopherKubicki - Sunday, November 30, 2003 - link

    LG Philips is doing first runs on its 19" 16ms S-IPS panel. I will have to try to check with NEC concerning that panel.

    I know NEC has had a lot of quantity issues. They dont have a huge production capability and they probably wont be able to persue it much longer.

  • miomao - Sunday, November 30, 2003 - link

    Nec said they will use a proprietary S-IPS panel for the 1980SX successor. :\

    LG.Philips already make a 19'' 25ms S-IPS panel used in the LG L1910B model.
    But the pro model L1910P has a Fujitsu MVA.
    Someone say that maybe they still have production quantity problem (?)

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