The Box Maker

One of the coolest parts of Newegg's automated warehouse continues to be the box maker. The one in NJ is a lot like the one in LA, just a little bigger:

The box maker takes collapsed boxes and automatically turns them into fully folded boxes, ready for all sorts of computer goodness:


The machine takes a stack of collapsed boxes and grabs each one individually using a set of four plungers:

The machine then opens the collapsed box:

And the box is formed:

Once one box is formed it's time to move onto the next one:

The arm to the right pushes the newly made box out of the way and gets the machine ready for the next box.

The Picker The Peanut Gun
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  • Darkk - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    For those who are cringing about bubble wrap and peanuts for OEM hard drives. Well, when I ordered a hard drive a few months ago the drive was shipped from the CA warehouse and they didn't use either packaging at all. Instead, they used special "wadded" heavy duty paper wrapping which is very sturdy and it arrived perfectly intact. Not sure why they didn't do this at all warehouses but it was perfect for the drives. Also very friendly to the environment.

    I've ordered alot of items from NewEgg over the years and most of them usually come from NJ or CA warehouse since I live in northern CA.

  • puffpio - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    you wouldn't happen to have a picture of the boxing machine? that thing looks like it boxes super fast
  • puffpio - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    err picture = video
  • MScrip - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    I love your warehouse... but 2 things made me cringe in those pictures; the bubble wrap and the peanuts. I'm speaking of course about the way you ship OEM hard drives.

    Newegg! You're a BILLION dollar company! Please invest in some foam or plastic hard drive carriers! It makes me sick to order an OEM hard drive and have it taped up in bubble wrap and thrown in a box with some peanuts. That's ridiculous.

    I buy everything from you, but I am so unhappy with your hard drive shipping policies.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, May 22, 2008 - link

    Why? Every hard drive I have bought from them has had a anti-static bag or plastic case from the manufacturer, the bubblewrap is just around that. Don't see any risk there, so long as you don't open the hard drive and drop it in the peanuts.
  • m3rdpwr - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    I did not know about the NJ depot.

    Usually I get my order in 3 days being in Mass.

    My order last week arrived next day.

    This would explain it!

  • laixer - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    I'm in NY and most of the stuff I have been ordering has come from NJ for a long time.

    I'm really disappointed that the contest is not open to New York residents.
  • H8ff0000 - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    Same here, on both statements...

    Newegg is awesome, this contest is not. I'm curious why we are shun from the giveaway.
  • AmbroseAthan - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    We are shunned from all NewEgg contests :(. Any give-away contests at NewEgg have always had New York exempted. Must be something in the state laws :-/.
  • Polynikes - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - link

    Another of many strikes against NY. I'm getting the hell out of this shitty state as soon as I graduate from RIT.

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