The MSI NX8800 GTS 320MB OC comes in at about $315 and is clocked similarly to the EVGA SuperClocked and Sparkle Calibre cards we will be testing. This card does come with Company of Heroes, which is a good addition as a bundle. The card itself isn't any different from other stock hardware, with the exception of the HSF sticker of course.

The warranty offered by MSI isn't as extensive those offered by the likes of BFG, EVGA and XFX who offer lifetime warranties, but if you plan to upgrade or sell your hardware in three years, this won't have much impact on you.
The MSI NX8800 GTS 320MB OC comes in at about $315 and is clocked similarly to the EVGA SuperClocked and Sparkle Calibre cards we will be testing. This card does come with Company of Heroes, which is a good addition as a bundle. The card itself isn't any different from other stock hardware, with the exception of the HSF sticker of course.

The warranty offered by MSI isn't as extensive those offered by the likes of BFG, EVGA and XFX who offer lifetime warranties, but if you plan to upgrade or sell your hardware in three years, this won't have much impact on you.
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gus6464 - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - link
yeah same here, my first evga purchase was a 7800gt over a year ago and the next month the 7900gt came out so I sent my card to evga and they upgraded to a 7900gt at no extra charge. Shipping was fast and have had 0 problems with the card ever since. Now all I buy and recommend is evga.drebo - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - link
From Page 12.
I don't quite agree with your conclusion here. Sure, the temperatures are only a few degrees cooler than the other stock cards, but the ACS3 card is also clocked higher than the rest of the cards. I think when you take that into account, the fact that the ACS3 solution cools better than nearly every other card is pretty impressive.
Other than some of the conclusions, very informative article. Definitely considering the eVGA card as an upgrade for my "aging" 7900GS KO.
RaistlinZ - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - link
I usually enjoy AT's video card reviews, but this one seemed very rushed and with not much effort put into it at all. It reminded me of reviews you'd find from newbie review sites run by high-school kids.Sorry to say, but it's the truth. The whole "review" seemed like it only took you an hour to test the cards and post the review. :( Which is fine I guess, if that's what you were going for, but I expect more from Anandtech.
Anyone else feel this way?
yyrkoon - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - link
You would probably be better served by waiting until nVidia irons out their drivers for these cards. However, I also must admit, I am tempted myself to buy one of these 8800GTS cards ( Titan Quest on my 7600GT does not seem to perform 'optimaly'). This being said, the games I play, for the most part play well enough, I think, for me to wait until nVidia gets their act together. Still, it IS tempting . . .