ATI Radeon X1950 Pro: CrossFire Done Right
by Derek Wilson on October 17, 2006 6:22 AM EST- Posted in
- GPUs
Quake 4 Performance
There has always been a lot of debate in the community surrounding pure
timedemo benchmarking. We have opted to stick with the timedemo test rather
than the nettimedemo option for benchmarking Quake 4. To be clear, this means
our test results focus mostly on the capability of each graphics card to
render frames generated by Quake 4. The frame rates we see here don't directly
translate into what one would experience during game play.
Additionally, Quake 4 limits frame rate to 60 fps during gameplay whether or
not VSync is enabled. Performance characteristics of a timedemo do not reflect
actual gameplay. So why do we do them? Because the questions we are trying to
answer have only to do with the graphics subsystem. We want to know what
graphics card is better at rendering Quake 4 frames. Any graphics card that
does better at rendering Quake 4 frames will handle Quake 4 better than
another card. While that doesn't mean the end user will necessarily see higher
performance throughout the game, it does mean that the potential for seeing
more performance is there. For instance, if the user upgrades CPUs while
keeping the same graphics card, having higher potential GPU performance is
going to be important.
What this means to the end user is that in-game performance will almost always
be lower than timedemo performance. It also means that graphics cards that do
slightly better than other graphics cards will not always show a tangible
performance increase on an end user's system. As long as we keep these things
in mind, we can make informed conclusions based on the data we collect.
Our benchmark consists of the first few minutes of the first level. This
includes both inside and outdoor sections, with the initial few fire fights.
We tested the game with Ultra Quality settings (uncompressed normal maps), and
we enabled all the advanced graphics options except for VSync. Id does a
pretty good job of keeping framerate very consistent, and so in-game
framerates of 25 are acceptable. While we don't have the ability to make a
direct mapping to what that means in the timedemo test, our experience
indicates that a timedemo fps of about 35 translates into an enjoyable
experience on our system. This will certainly vary on other systems, so take
it with a grain of salt. The important thing to remember is that this is more
of a test of relative performance of graphics cards when it comes to rendering
Quake 4 frames -- it doesn't directly translate to Quake 4 experience.
Before we get to performance analysis here, we must note that ATI has confirmed our numbers and indicated that Quake 4 performance with X1950 Pro CrossFire suffers from a driver issue that will be resolved in an upcoming version of Catalyst drivers.

A single 7900 GS loses quite handily to the X1950 Pro under Quake 4 without AA enabled. We won't be able to talk about X1950 Pro CrossFire performance until ATI fixes the current driver issue. For now, we do see proper scaling under Quake 4 with High Quality mode enabled rather than Ultra Quality.

Performance characteristics with 4xAA enabled are similar to those without AA.
The 7900 GS does close the gap a little with the X1950 Pro, but it isn't
nearly enough to put them in the same category.

View All Comments
Spoelie - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
It might be a good idea to use omega's drivers, they do not include catalyst control center but instead use ati tray tools OR the old control panel slightly updated. The only downside to this is that omega's are sometimes one or two releases behind the official ones.if you're not comfortable with omega's drivers (even though they're rock solid :)) you can always download just the driver from ati and install ati tray tools seperatly. it includes every option you need to change driver settings etc but is a sleek minimalist fast 1mb tool :)
JarredWalton - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
Unfortunately, CCC is required to enable CrossFire. I don't know if Omega gets around this requirement somehow, but the standard ATI control panel drivers do not have the CrossFire checkbox anywhere.Aikouka - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
The awkward drivers is actually the main reason I steer clear of ATi still. Also, I get a bit annoyed at the company as they only seem to care about their graphics sector and ignore all of their other products. My ATi TV Wonder Pro Remote Control Edition had so many problems over the years that it was barely worth owning. The Remote Control software just crashes randomly still.Although, I have yet to try the newest version of the software, because I removed the card from my system and it won't let you install the main software without it.
So... with my experience, it leaves me a bit wary.
But I do also have to admit how much I also don't like the newer nVidia control panel, but at least I can go back to the original one with one mouse click :).
DerekWilson - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
Right on.Zaitsev - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
Typo on page 2, third paragraph."It is hard enough for us to sort things out when parts hit the selves at different speeds..."
RamarC - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
suggestion: replace Q4 and B&W2 with Prey and Company of HeroesDerekWilson - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
We are planning on doing exactly that starting in early November.spe1491 - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
Possible typo?-
Basilisk - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
Further clue: try "heartily"; "hardily" means "ruggedly", etc..Spoelie - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 - link
After browsing through some other reviews, all which seem to use the Catalyst 6.9 drivers, it occured to me that they all have significantly lower performance for the ATi camp then what anandtech is reporting.Most reviews place 7900gs performance well above that of the x1950pro in quake 4. Can anyone explain to me why that is, and the supposed opengl/doom3 optimisations are only being seen by AT and not by sites such as bit-tech, hardocp, the tech report, firing squad, etc. ??